Ms Betty Samuels writes:
I write on behalf of a friend of mine who was a pupil at your school 1939 to 1946. His name is John Douglas Jones who at the age of 80+ is still very active and living in Clifton, Bristol. Doug has only recently had to give up flying his sailplane at the Bristol & Gloucestershire Gliding Club. In the course of a conversation yesterday about schools we attended, Doug said he can remember the names of all his teachers during his time at your school except the name of the English Literature master.
Doug would be interested if anyone might be able to remember this teacher’s name.
My father was at Bournemouth School 1941-46. The teacher he remembers for English Lit was a Mr (Percy) Cushion. Had the hugest saddle on his bike!
Other teachers he remembers are
Cousins – English or RE
Jasper Dodds – History
Lawrence – Maths
Venner – Chemistry
Pugh – PE
Laverick – PE
Miss Ball
Maggie Moulton – French
Knight – RE?
That’s it for now. No doubt more will come to him over the next few days. Hope that helps.
I remember Percy Cushion for one particular lesson on limericks. He gave us the first two lines as follows-
There once was a teacher called Cushion
Who’s aim was to find boys and ambush’m
I never did manage to complete it.
I was a pupil at Bournemouth School from 1937 to 1941. My English teachers were “Buck”Rogers and Herbert Wiseman. Others were J.Little (Maths), P.Cushion, whose unfair nickname was “Persecution” (Latin), J.S. White (Chemistry), “Froggy” Small (French).